Last Updated on August 9, 2024
Children are so innocent and one would do anything to see them laugh. This is exactly what we are intending to do with these fun dinosaur jokes for kids who love to giggle!
Dinosaurs are intriguing species, for both adults and kids. Their razor-sharp teeth and humungous sizes attract children more than anything. Dinosaurs can come off as a bit scary. I remember I got a bit scarred by watching Jurassic Park as a kid – nothing in the world could convince me that these creatures were extinct and won’t creep up on me while I sleep!
As a child, I wish I knew some humorous dinosaur jokes. They are so uplifting and prove to be a great tactic for fear distraction. I would definitely share these jokes with kids and you should too.
These pun-filled jokes are sure to make anyone laugh!
42 Hilarious Dinosaur Jokes
Which dinosaur slept all day?
The Dino-snore!
What did one dinosaur say after hitting the other one?
I’m so Saurus!
What do you call a dinosaur that won’t stop talking?
A dino-bore!
What makes more noise than a dinosaur?
Two dinosaurs!
What do you call a dinosaur that won’t stop trying?
What do say do when you meet two dinosaurs instead of one?
Hello, hello!
What is the best way to talk to a Megalosaurus?
Long distance!
Is it true that dinosaurs won’t attack you if you carry a ball?
Depends on how fast you carry it!
What is a dinosaur with fireworks called?
A Dino-mite!
Why are there only old bones in the dinosaur museum?
Because they can’t afford new ones!
When can 5 dinosaurs fit under an umbrella without getting wet?
When it’s not raining!
What is as big as the dinosaur but has zero weight?
Its shadow!
What do you call a fossil that refuses to work?
Lazy bones!
Why was the Tyrannosaurus afraid of the ocean?
Because there was something fishy about it!
What was the Ankylosaurus’ favorite number?
Ate! (8)
Who makes clothes for dinosaurs?
The dino-sewer!
Do you know any dinosaurs who were cops?
The Tricera-cop!
Where did the Elasmosaurus go shopping?
The Dino-store!
Why do dinosaurs eat raw meat?
Because they forgot how to cook!
How can you tell if there’s a Brontosaurus in the fridge?
The door won’t shut!
What do you call a dinosaur who refuses to take a bath?
A stink-o-saurus!
Name a popular brand that dinosaurs loved.
What is the Allosaurus’ most favorite sauce?
The dino-sauce!
Name a dinosaur who loves spicy meat.
The Chilli-o-saurus!
Name a dinosaur who starred in Harry Potter.
The dino-sorcerer!
Name a dinosaur who could jump higher than a building?
None! Buildings don’t jump!
Why didn’t dinosaurs use the computer?
Because it ate the mouse!
Why aren’t there any dinosaurs during the Easter holidays?
Because they are egg-stinct!
Name a dinosaur who has excellent English vocabulary.
The The-saurus!
Name the fastest dinosaur.
The pronto-saurus!
What do you say when you see a blind dinosaur?
Do you think he-saurus?
Why was the Apatosaurus wearing a band-aid?
Because he got a dino-sore!
Why don’t humans like dinosaur stories?
Because their tales are so long!
What does the Dilophosaurus use on his bathroom floor?
What was the Brachiosaurus using to cut the tree?
A dino-saw!
How do you invite a dinosaur to a tea party?
Would you like to have some T, rex?
What do you call a dinosaur who despises losing games?
Name the dinosaur who has only one eye.
The eye-saur!
What do you call a swinging dinosaur?
A wee rex!
What do you call a dinosaur who broke his leg?
What do you call a dinosaur who is about to give an exam?
A nervous-rex!
Name a dinosaur who explodes.
A pop-saurus!
32 Funny Dinosaur Jokes
How do aliens and dinosaurs travel?
By using a dino-saucer!
What is the name of a dinosaur brand that sells dresses?
What is the Sauropod’s favorite swing in the playground?
The See-Sau-r
Do you know a dinosaur who was very social but hungry?
Yes, he always had friends for lunch!
Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
Because there were no chickens at that time!
What does a Mosasaurus sit on?
Its Mosa-bottom!
What do you call a dinosaur who has headphones on all the time?
Call him anything you wish, he can’t hear you!
What do you call a dinosaur made out of cheese?
A gorgonzilla!
What would you say when a dinosaur farts?
A blast from the past!
Why does the Brontosaurus have such a long neck?
Because he never washes his stinky feet!
What is a dinosaur’s favorite sport to play?
Why don’t dinosaur’s have eggs for breakfast?
Because their eggs-stink!
What do you say when you see a dinosaur?
Pray that he doesn’t see you!
What do you call a dinosaur on a skateboard?
A dino-skate?
Which country did the dinosaurs live in?
The Dino-state!
What do you call a dinosaur who has asthma?
A Broncho-saurus!
What do you say when a dinosaur is about to tell a story?
It’s tail time!
What did the dinosaur use as a toothbrush?
A porcupine!
What do dinosaurs have that other animals don’t?
Baby dinosaurs!
What do you call a dinosaur after a car crash?
A Tyrannosaurus wreck!
How long did the dinosaurs live?
Same as the short ones!
What happens to the person who puts their right hand in the mouth of a Velociraptor?
They become lefty.
What is the name of the band of singing dinosaurs?
The Dino-chorus!
What do you do when you find a blue dinosaur?
You try to cheer him up!
What did the dinosaur say after watching Toy Story?
You got a friend in me!
Name 5 dinosaurs in 2 seconds.
5 Velociraptors.
What is the name of the dinosaur that left his shield in the ocean?
What is every kid’s favorite dinosaur?
What do you use to raise a baby dinosaur?
A crane!
What do you call a dinosaur who is very courteous?
The Polite-o-saur!
What do you call a dinosaur with a degree in Philosophy?
A Philo-saur!
What would happen if a dinosaur stepped on you?
You would get deeply impressed!
The FAQ Section
What do you call a ghost dinosaur?
A scaredactyl!
Who was the most intimidating of all the dinosaurs?
The T-Rex.
What is the stupidest dinosaur name?
Who was the cutest dinosaur?
The Psittacosaurus
What is the name of the fastest dinosaur?
Ostrich mimic ornithomimids
What is the hardest dinosaur name to pronounce?
Huehuecanauhtlus tiquichensis
Who was the friendliest of all dinosaurs?
The Stegosaurus
Who is the king of all dinosaurs?
The Tyrannosaurus Rex
Who was the rarest dinosaur?
The Oviraptor
Who killed the dinosaurs?
Who was the first dinosaur?
The Eoraptor