Last Updated on August 9, 2024
One million, also known as one thousand thousand, is a cardinal number that follows 999,999 (nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine) and precedes 1,000,001 (one million and one).
The name ‘one million’ derives from several root words, including the early Italian word “millione” which means “thousand.”
One million is commonly abbreviated in British English as m, mm, mn, M, or MM.
Common Expressions Based on One Million
• Cardinal – One million
• Ordinal – 1000000th (one millionth)
• Binary – 111101000010010000002
• Factorization – 106
• Larger SI Prefix – Mega-, such as megawatts (1,000,000 watts)
• Smaller SI Prefix – Micro-, such as micrograms (1/1,000,000 grams)
The Number of Zeros In A Million
There are six zeros in one million. All six zeros follow the digit one.
However, there are five zeros in one millionth. In this case, the zeros occur after the decimal point and before the last digit, which is a one.
Mathematical Relevance
1,000,000 is the square root of 1000. It’s also the cube of 100.
Monetary Relevance
One million is a fortune in many countries. In stable economies with fairly strong currencies, becoming a millionaire is considered a huge milestone.
The converse is true for countries with weaker currencies, such as Venezuela and Iran.
Literary Applications
Besides its literal meaning, the term ‘one million’ is also widely used metaphorically to denote a very large number. For instance, ‘a million miles’ implies a relatively long distance.
Quite a few idioms have been derived from the number too. Examples include ‘you’re one in a million’ and ‘not in a million years.’
What Is One Billion?
One billion, also known as one thousand million, is a cardinal number that follows 999,999,999 (nine hundred and ninety nine million, nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine) and precedes 1,000,000,001 (one billion and one).
In addition to the common definition of a thousand million, one billion could also denote one million million (1,000,000,000,000). However, this second definition of the term ‘billion’ is quite rare and only applicable in certain mathematical contexts.
One billion is commonly abbreviated as b or bn. Other accepted abbreviations include B and BN.
Common Expressions Based on One Billion
• Cardinal – One billion
• Ordinal – 1,000,000,000th or 1,000,000,000,000th (one billionth)
• Binary – 110111001101011001010000000002
• Factorization – 109 or 1012
• Larger SI Prefix – Giga-, such as gigawatts (1,000,000,000 watts)
• Smaller SI Prefix – Nano-, such as nanowatts (1/1,000,000,000 watts)
The Number of Zeros In A Billion
The number of zeros in one billion depends on what you consider to be one billion.
As already mentioned, a billion can be a thousand million (1,000,000,000) or a million million (1,000,000,000,000). The former has nine zeros whereas the latter has 12.
Needless to mention, all zeros in a billion come after the digit one.
Other Fun Facts About One Billion
One billion is a remarkably large number. Due to its larger size compared to a million, the number is commonly used to emphasize the quality of numerosity. For instance, ‘one in a billion’ would sound more impactful than ‘one in a million.’
A billion is also a huge figure when expressed in monetary terms. To put in in perspective, there are currently only 735 billionaires in the United States in 2022, against a population of 332 million.
What Is One Trillion?
One trillion, also known as one million million, is a cardinal number that follows 999,999,999,999 (nine hundred and ninety nine billion, nine hundred and ninety nine million, nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine) and precedes 1,000,000,000,001 (one trillion and one).
Note that this is the most common meaning of one trillion as defined on the short scale. The term can also be defined on the long scale as one billion billion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000).
The latter definition is the historical meaning of one trillion in English. Until recently, this version was common in many non-English-speaking countries. However, many people have since abandoned it for the more common short scale definition.
A trillion is commonly abbreviated as T or tn. Other popular abbreviations include TR and TN.
Common Expressions Based on One Trillion
• Cardinal – One trillion
• Ordinal – 1000000000000th (one trillionth)
• Binary – 1 110 100 011 010 100 101 001 010 001 000 000 000 000
• Factorization – 1012
• Larger SI Prefix – Terra-, such as terrawatts (1,000,000,000,000 watts)
• Smaller SI Prefix – Pico-, such as picograms (1/1,000,000,000,000 grams)
The Number of Zeros In A Trillion
A trillion is the same as one million million. Since one million contains six zeros, we can calculate the number of zeros in a trillion by adding the number of zeros in one million to the number of zeros in another million. That’s 6 + 6, which gives us 12.
One trillion can also be expressed as one thousand billion. Note that one thousand has three zeros while one billion has nine. To calculate the number of zeros in a trillion using this formula, we’ll simply need to add three to nine, which gives 12.
Also, as expected, all the zeros in one trillion occur after the digit one.
Other Fun Facts About One Trillion
One trillion is the square root of one million (1,000,000). It’s also the cube root of ten thousand (10,000).
One trillion is such a big number that there’s no trillionaire in the world at the moment. At least not in terms of the US dollars.
There are six zeros in a million. This number increases by three each time you move through billions and trillions.
Most importantly, the number of zeros in any number depends on whether you’re using the short scale (more common) or the large scale system.