Last Updated on September 13, 2024
The recent marketing landscape has put video advertising on a pedestal.
Statistically proven to provide three times more engagement than text-based content, videos own the majority share in every organization’s marketing strategy.
Social media marketing has undergone an extensive change, as more and more businesses are bending towards replacing graphic and text-based posts with video content.
However, if we separate YouTube from all the other social media channels for a moment, the scope of video marketing on social media changes phenomenally.
A marketer needs to understand the massive difference between creating video ads for YouTube and other social media channels.
A consumer visits YouTube with the sole mindset of consuming video content.
But it’s not the same in case of other social media channels.
For example, an average consumer would visit Facebook to consume content on a fast-paced basis.
In other words, he neither has the mindset nor the patience to go through time-consuming video content.
Let’s talk about some ways in which you can create video content that is tailor-made for social media and promote your brand as well, in the process.
(1) Having a storytelling approach
Gone are those days when marketers used to create video ads that openly promoted the products and services they were offering.
Promotional videos are a huge turn off to the social media viewer these days.
Therefore, a smart marketing move is to provide a strong prior engagement to the viewer through your video and subsequently communicate your brand or product to them through a landing page.
When it comes to creating engagement, adopting a storytelling approach in your videos works the best.
Two of the most popular approaches to video storytelling are motivation and humor based videos.
There are two factors that you should consider prior to choosing a storytelling approach: “Your brand persona” and “the nature of your previous ad campaigns.”
It’s not advisable to adopt a humor-based approach when you have never used it previously, as a video marketing or as a part of your overall digital marketing approach.
Initiating humor-based ad campaign might confuse your target audience as to what exactly are you trying to portray.
(2) Making the first few seconds count
As mentioned in the introduction, a social media video can’t be created with the same mentality as a YouTube Video.
A social media video barely has a few seconds to develop a viewer’s interest and make him watch the video in entirety.
This time frame roughly comes down to a mere ten seconds.
So how can you manage to create that initial engagement within such a short span of time?
Well, one such technique can be to commence your video ad with One-Liners that can provide some immediate value to the viewer.
In other words, something that is of significant relevance or use for your target consumer.
If your introductory one-liner manages to impress your viewer, then there is quite a high chance that he would want to watch the entire video or the majority of it.
When it comes to story-based videos, the most effective one-liner would be to introduce your main character (human/animated), in a manner that is able to catch the viewer’s attention immediately.
(3) Branding through videos
There is a sea of opportunities when it comes to branding through social media video ads, and you should never let go of this opportunity.
What social media offers with regards to your firm’s branding are the massive levels of repetitive exposure that not only comes from your current customers, but loads of potential leads as well.
Other than mandatorily using your logo and colors in social media videos, there is something that can provide your brand with a distinctive identity, especially when it comes to video marketing.
These are Brand Jingles
A brand jingle refers to a short tune or sound that that is either played before or after a video advertisement for a company.
Something that can be easily done through video editing software.
Gradually people start associating brand jingles with the organization and which in turn enhances their brand identity.
Famous organizations like McDonalds, Microsoft etc. have extensively leveraged brand jingles is their video and television marketing operations.
Wrapping Up…
There is no doubt that you can increase your social media engagement rates with video content.
What you need to keep in mind is the unique consumer psyche that comes into play when a viewer watches videos on social media versus on YouTube or any other medium.