Last Updated on September 2, 2024
Negativity can easily sneak up into your life and it can be very mentally draining. There are certain people in your life that can make you feel fed up or down just when you are around them. When they are in your presence, the mood changes and you don’t feel yourself.
Certain situations can provoke these feelings too, the thought of going to work, an environment with bad memories, a smell or sound can trigger a negative response in our minds also. Negativity is all around us and doesn’t always present itself in an obvious way. As a matter of fact, there are three sources from which negativity usually breeds: Negativity in your relationships, negativity within yourself, and negativity within your environment.
Destructive Thoughts
Often we are our own worst enemies because we ourselves invite negativity into our lives when we allow certain bad habits and actions to keep reoccurring. Whether it’s letting energy-sappers suck out the positive energy from you or dealing with your own destructive thoughts, it’s important to become aware of your everyday thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in order to turn your life around for the better.
If it feels like you’re stuck in this never-ending cycle of unhappiness, you can always do something about it by cutting out the toxic thoughts, habits, people, and behaviors that aren’t serving you. Mind coaches, hypnotists, sports coaches, personal trainers amongst other professions all help to coach the negativity out of us to improve our inner feelings and our emotional and physical output.
Anyone who has taken the time and effort to educate themselves to help others should be proud of their attempts to change people’s perceptions of their emotions. It would be a real shame if a junior doctor was wondering if they were doing enough or physical trainer questioned themselves ‘is NASM worth it?’ on route to a career putting things right in the world.
Switching Perspectives
Sometimes when we feel certain emotions that make us uncomfortable, we would like to do anything to escape them. How many times have you wished that you could get rid of anger, frustration, sadness, or anxiety? But, the truth is that all our emotions are there for a reason, and even if an emotion feels ‘bad’ to us, it is usually there to tell us something.
Sometimes the best way to ‘get rid’ of emotions that we don’t want is by switching our perspectives, so we understand them for what they really are. Motivators to improve and obstacles in the way of our training goals.
Emotional awareness will help you see multiple perspectives in a situation. This will help you control your emotions, by making it easier to focus on the silver lining of a situation. If you focus on the positive aspects of a situation you will influence the subjective experience of your emotion, which will alleviate the intensity of the negative emotion. So the next time, after you experience an emotion, try to dissect the situation to improve your performance.