Last Updated on September 13, 2024
Business writing skills are more important than you know. When you’re working, you communicate through the written word all the time. When you’re working with your start up, or striking out on your own, your writing skills are even more vital. If you need to brush up on your writing, or really want to start moving your business forward, try using these tools to get you started.
1. Australian Help
If you think your grammar skills need some fine tuning, then head to this website. The grammar guide here is excellent, and will help you with the fine tuning of your writing. There’s guides listed for any aspect of grammar you can imagine, from usage, to a thesaurus and a guide to grammar myths. Never get caught out again with bad grammar.
2. UK Writings
Editing and proofreading should be done every time you write, from emails to product copy. That takes time though, and that’s something you don’t always have. Don’t be tempted to just send that email when you’re short on time, though. Instead, send it to these expert proofreaders. They’ll do the hard work for you, and then you can send it, safe in the knowledge your words have been polished.
3. Word Counter
The best thing about this tool isn’t that it will give you a quick word count, although that’s quite helpful. In fact, you should use it because when you paste your writing in, it will highlight any mistakes that you’ve made. You can then quickly clean them up before publication.
4. Big Assignments
Ever wished you could have someone walk you through the process of writing? This site has the answer for you. Their expert writers can be hired as consultants, so you can work with them as you write. You can hire them for one off projects, or keep them on for longer term work. Consult with them on important pieces, and you’ll be able to put out excellent work, every time.
5. Cite It In
Much bigger companies than you have been caught plagiarising the work of others. Of course, you’re not going to do that, but you don’t want anyone to even think you might have. When writing important documents, use this tool. Give it the source you’re using, and it will give you the correction citation for it. You can then copy that citation right into your writing. Nothing looks as professional as taking the time to do this task properly.
6. Ox Essays
Tried the grammar guides above but still not 100% on your grammar? Not a problem. The writers at this service have your back. You can talk with them to check grammar rules, or get them to check an item that you’ve written. They’ll keep your grammar in check and your writing perfect.
7. Grammar For Business Writing
This presentation is a must read for anyone who wants to improve their business writing. It digs deep into what makes grammar so important, but it does it in a way that’s accessible to the newcomer. Read it over, and keep it handy when you’re writing. You’ll find yourself checking back to it and learning more, every time you use it.
8. Language Tool
This is a fantastic open source tool that should be in your bookmarks. If you need an automated proofreader, it’s for you. All you have to do is paste your writing into it, and it will underline any errors that it finds. This includes grammatical and spelling errors. Hover the mouse over them, and it will give you suggestions for corrections. What’s really great about it is that you can check writing in over 20 languages in it.
Writing tips
Now you have some useful tools to hand, here are some tips that will help you improve the quality and performance of your business writing.
You don’t always have to start at the beginning
If you have something important to write, write that section first. You can then construct the rest of the piece around it. It saves time as you don’t get stuck at the beginning, and it gives you something else to frame the additional sections around.
Always proofread
It’s vital that you proofread before you hit ‘send’. Spell check picks up on a lot, but it can’t catch everything. Avoid embarrassing errors by always reading through your writing before showing it someone else.
Watch your language
Remember that business writing is often more formal than every day text. The way you write an email is going to be different to the way you write a Facebook post. Avoid slang, be polite, and watch your spelling and grammar.
Have someone else read your work
If you’re unsure about what you’ve written, ask a trusted friend or colleague to read it over. They can pick up on mistakes that you may have missed. They can also check the tone of your writing, and whether you’ve missed anything out.
Do your research
It’s impossible to write well on any topic if you know nothing about it. Before you even start, do your research. Even if that’s just a quick Google search, the more you know when you start writing, the better that piece will be.
Respect the reader
Remember, your reader will probably be just as busy as you are, so respect their time. Keep your writing informative and to the point. A lot of waffle will just put them off, and can seem unprofessional.
Keeping these tools in your bookmarks you can start improving your business writing. Give them a try, you’ll see that they really help.