Last Updated on August 9, 2024
Books are considered to be the base of civilization. There has to be a reason why the cinema, silver screens, television, theaters, etc have still not replaced this classical past-time.
It has proven, time and again, that book-lovers are always better than their counterparts in each sphere of life. It could be because they have had perpetual experience of life, which entails from the saying, “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies”.
A good book, with ageless excerpts, makes a reader take a dive into that Utopian realm which has been touched only by a few privileged people. Enlisted below are a few carefully chosen inspirational books that have already given many readers the access to that visionary realm.
1. The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho
The Brazilian author had first written the book in Portuguese; later the book was translated into 68 languages that earned it the title of the ‘most translated book by a living author’ in the Guinness Book of World Record.
The theme of the book is debatable as it includes multiple genres like quest, drama, self-help, adventure, and fantasy. Its fable-like simplicity makes it a classic piece of literature.
2. The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz
The book was initially published in the U.S., but the book’s matter about the straightforward approach of dealing with adverse psychology had it soon translated into 38 languages.
The Mexican author has also written many other inspiring Toltec spiritualist and neoshamanistic texts, but the book remains as his most acclaimed work.
Though many enthusiastic readers have already read the book a number of times, the volume is ideal for those readers who prefer uncomplicated and guileless texts.
3. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
The consistent best-seller of 1960s has also won the Pulitzer prize. The novel is considered by many as a model of modern American literature.
The combination of humor and serious issues, along with the simplicity of a child’s mind, makes the book’s content interesting with context to the present way of complicated life. The narrator’s father was pictured as ‘the most enduring fictional image of racial heroism’.
Many of the quotes from the book are still used by interactive writers because of their relevancy factor. So if you’re a collector of quotes, then no book can replace this simple and modest piece of work.
4. How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
This self-help non-fiction is one of its kind to have received the first best-seller award. The timeless concept of the book and the effectual ideas will induce you to read it time and again. The book has a classified structure with each section dedicated to a new principle.
The author has also added numerous real life incidences to increase the engaging factor of the book. Though the book contains 291 pages, the inveterate writing style will enable you to read the book in a single go.
5. The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
This classic autobiography seems to have an eternal life. The book was published in three versions, and its numerous excerpts were used in literature textbooks all around the globe.
The secret life of Jews and a teenage girl’s point of view consists the main theme of the book, The profound ideology of a 15 year old introduces the world to a new vision of child psychology.
Anne’s ideal point of view towards life, even in the most unfavorable conditions, sets reader to embrace their own life with new and unfounded enthusiasm. Read this book once and you’re assured to follow it throughout your life.
6. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma
This exquisite work-piece is a best-seller on self-improvement. The book had the fortune of getting published without much criticism, as the language and matter are accurately modest.
The book is readily accepted by the readers of all age groups. The main theme of the fiction is to introduce various self-management and character development techniques.
The incredible recovery of a woebegone lawyer can create a compelling setting for any reader to develop a healthy mindset for living a fuller life.
7. The Life of Pi by Yann Martel
The fantasy novel was published in Canada in the year 2001, and since then has received many honorable awards. The book encompasses various outlooks of life, religion, and spirituality.
The earlier critical reception and the later esteem easily demonstrate the intricacy of the book. Though the book was already quite famous, the 2012 adaption in the form of a movie had renewed the proposition of the book.
The interactive narrative and indulgence for nature makes this book a must-read for anybody who enjoy outdoor settings.
8. The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera
The book is a philosophical fiction set in the environment of Prague in the late 1960s. The intricated relationships and the philosophy against the Eternal Return is the main theme of the novel.
The book was initially written in Czech language with the name Nesnesitelná lehkost bytí, and was later published in French. The English edition was published two years latter in the year 1984.
If you have a taste for Karmic ideology, then this is the book that will give you a completely new insight on life.
9. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
It is the first book written by Khaled Hosseini, an Afghan-American author. The fictional novel describing the life of a young boy, his father, and his best friend, has been a bestseller for two consecutive years after its publication.
The initial idea of the novel was to emphasize the filial aspects of life. The backdrop of its story was set against the multiple episodes that had occurred after the fall of Monarchy rule in Afghanistan.
Though many adaptations were made on the book, it still remains the best source to understand the various facets of life that are enclosed in it.
10. The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
The inspirational novel by Stein is itself an inspired work from State of Dogs, a Mongolian documentary. The whole fiction is written from a dog’s point of view with the name ‘Enzo’.
Enzo is an affectionate pet of a race car driver, Denny Swift, and has a firm belief in the Mongolian legend that says a prepared dog would reincarnate as a human in his next life.
The narrator’s associative philosophy with race car driving will definitely create an incredible connection with your own life philosophy. So, whether you like dogs or not, this book is a must-read if you have even a little bit of tendency for ideology.
So what are you waiting for, read one of these masterpieces and kindle your soul with cognate positivity.