Last Updated on September 2, 2024
According to the Law of Attraction, you pretty much attract what you are. In other words, you must give love to get love. One way to express love is through love affirmations.
Love affirmations are positive words or sentences that are spoken or written with a view to reminding yourself of your relationship goals. These affirmations confirm your beliefs about love (including self-love and love for others), while also inspiring you to pursue your greater relationship aspirations.
Love affirmations have the incredible ability to change your perceptions about love. If constantly repeated and accompanied by concrete action, these ideas can become your reality.
This post looks at the 100 most powerful affirmations to bring love into your life.
1. All of my relationships are long-term and offer a positive, loving experience.
2. Connections develop naturally for me.
3. Each day I am so grateful for how loved I am and how much people care about me.
4. Everything I lay my hands on turns into an amazing story of love.
5. I accept myself how I am keen to cultivate self-love.
6. I am attracting a trusting and loving relationship into my life.
7. I am capable and deserving of a long-lasting relationship.
8. I am grateful for the people in my life who love me unconditionally.
9. I am grateful for the potential partner whom the Universe is planning to give me.
10. I am in a relationship with someone whom I respect and who also respects me.
11. I am in a wonderful relationship with someone who treats me right!
12. I am in the healthiest relationship of my life and I honestly couldn’t ask for more.
13. I am inviting abundant love into my life.
14. I am loved and cherished by friends, family, and coworkers.
15. I am loved more than I ever thought possible.
16. I am making room for an amazing partner in my life!
17. I am manifesting a healthy, loving relationship.
18. I am now open to give and receive love.
19. I am open and ready to give and receive love.
20. I am releasing my fears of falling in love and embracing my future soul mate.
21. I am strong, brave, and beautiful inside and out.
22. I am thankful for the love in my life and the love I express to others.
23. I am worthy of love and deserve to receive love in abundance.
24. I am worthy of love and will accept all the love that comes my way.
25. I attract loving and caring people into my life.
26. I attract loving, supportive, and committed partners.
27. I attract the type of people I desire in my life.
28. I believe I’m a good human being and deserve all the love I can get.
29. I deserve a profoundly nurturing and fulfilling passion.
30. I deserve a true partnership with my soul mate.
31. I deserve healthy relationships.
32. I deserve to receive the love I get and I open myself to the love the Universe gives me.
33. I embody unconditional love.
34. I exhale negativity and inhale positivity, happiness, and love.
35. I find love wherever I go.
36. I forgive any wrongs done to me by my family members and offer love and healing to my entire lineage.
37. I happily give and receive love each day.
38. I have an infinite supply of love, ready to give it to whoever deserves it.
39. I have much love inside of me to share with others.
40. I know and trust that the Universe will only bring me loyal, supporting, and loving relationships.
41. I live by the fundamental principle that attracting love begins with self-love.
42. I love myself and hope to find someone who loves me for who I am.
43. I may be single but that does not diminish my worth.
44. I may be single now but I believe my soul mate will come along some day.
45. I offer acceptance, support, and love for my friends and family.
46. I open my heart to love and know that I deserve it.
47. I radiate love wherever I go.
48. I surrender my heart to the Universe, ready to receive the heart of another.
49. I surround myself with loving and positive people.
50. I trust that love will find me no matter how long it takes.
51. I will never give up on finding true love.
52. I’ll continue to hold onto the hope that my special someone will come at the right time.
53. I’ll love my partner more and more with each day.
54. I’m becoming the person I believe my partner will love.
55. I’m incredibly connected to Universal Energy; love comes through me and spreads to the world.
56. I’m proud of who I’ve become and hope to find someone worthy of my love.
57. I’m ready to let go of all past hurt so I can usher in a new future full of love and romance.
58. I’m ready to let someone new into my life.
59. I’m ready to settle down with my soul mate.
60. I’m waiting and trusting on the universe to pair me with my soul mate; I won’t give up no matter how long it takes.
61. I’ve discovered the greatest gift in life – to express unconditional love.
62. Love attracts to me like a magnet.
63. Love flows into my life like water flows into a river stream.
64. Love is constantly flowing to me.
65. Love starts within me. It then radiates outwards, attracting everyone who deserves it.
66. Love surrounds me and everyone around me.
67. My actions will attract a relationship built on trust and mutual respect.
68. My heart is prepared to receive love and my soul is ready to be paired with its eternal partner.
69. My heart makes time for those I care about.
70. My heart offers love to all beings everywhere and I’m equally ready to receive love from all corners of the world.
71. My heart will forever remain open for new adventures in love.
72. My inner self is healthy, my heart is faithful, and my love is unconditional.
73. My life radiates love and my heart is open to receiving love.
74. My life revolves on two things – love for myself and love for others.
75. My love (and/or marriage) grows stronger every day.
76. My many failed relationships won’t define me; I’ll forever look to the future with a renewed sense of hope of finding a worthier partner.
77. My mind is open to finding love in places I didn’t expect.
78. My next relationship will be marriage-worthy.
79. My next romantic relationship will be the best one I’ve ever been in.
80. My partner and I are both happy and in love. Our relationship is joyous.
81. My partner is a reflection of me.
82. My partner treats me with respect and shows me deep, passionate love.
83. My partner will love me regardless of my flaws.
84. My relationship deserves nothing but abundance joy, love, and happiness.
85. My relationship will be open, honest, and full of abundant love.
86. My relationships are always fulfilling.
87. No matter how long it may take, I’ll never tire of waiting upon my true soul mate.
88. Regardless of how lucky I’ve been in love, I still hold onto the hope of finding a worthy partner.
89. Self-love is the best kind of love; love for others is the next best.
90. The Law of Attraction is a natural law that attracts what we focus on into our lives. Today I will choose to attract love.
91. The love of my life will find me someday, I know he/she’s busy looking for me.
92. The more I love a person, the more they seem to love me in return.
93. The more I love myself, the more love I have to give others.
94. The partner for me is out there; we’re just waiting for the Universe to match us.
95. The universe is full of love; ready to deal to those who love themselves and others in equal measure.
96. The Universe is keen on pairing me with the most fulfilling, wonderful partner; I just got to trust the process.
97. The Universe is soon bringing romance and passion into my life.
98. There are no barriers to me receiving true love.
99. Today I will continue to create the foundation of a happy and loving relationship.
100. True love starts within; if I don’t love myself, how do I express others to love me?
Final Word
Affirmations mean nothing if they’re not followed through by concrete action. So, even as you repeat the above love affirmations, ensure you’re actually going out there and looking for your soul mate.
Also, try to act the part. Behave as if you’ve already met your soul mate, and it will only be a matter of time before they come along.