Last Updated on September 2, 2024
We have all heard the saying “It’s nice to be nice” but often, many people think that being nice means doing grand acts. However, the nicest and kindest acts are often the ones that are the smallest. The beauty of a random act of kindness is that it can be done in seconds but can really make somebodies day. What this article looks to do is highlight 90 of the nicest random acts that you can choose to do each day to make someone feel good. Random Acts of Kindness Day might be February 17th, but you don’t need a specific day to tell you when to do something nice. Challenge yourself and look to perform one of these acts each day.
Things to note
- Try not to overthink your random acts. Try and keep them fun and innocent. If it feels like you have thought too much about the act, then it will be obvious.
- If you are afraid of talking to strangers, you can always practice your acts of kindness on your family or friends
- Coffee shops, supermarkets and the airport are three great places that you can do your random acts if you are unsure where to start
Random Acts of Kindness
- Find opportunities to give compliments. It costs nothing, takes no time, and could make someone’s entire day. Don’t just think it. Say it!
- Create a holiday to celebrate a person that you really like, so “Grace Appreciation Day” and on that day make the person their favorite meal etc.
- Write someone a note saying that they mean a lot to you.
- Buy flowers for your partner
- Visit an old folks home with a gift for someone
- Say Thank you to someone
- Pay for someone’s coffee
- Send a friend a positive message
- Create a post-it with inspiring or encouraging messages on it and leave it for someone to find.
- Smile more often at people
- Set an alarm on your phone at two or three different stages in the day. During those times, do something nice for someone.
- Send an email of gratitude
- Donate to a charity
- Surprise friends or family with baked goods
- Pay the toll for the car behind you
- Write your partner a list or a letter of things that you love about them
- Purchase extra dog or cat food and bring it to an animal shelter.
- Take muffins or cookies to your local librarians.
- Put your phone away while in the company of others.
- Email or write to a former teacher who made a difference in your life.
- Rake leaves for a neighbor
- Hide a kind note in a library book
- Help an elderly person cross the road
- Help someone with their groceries
- Cut a neighbors grass
- Make a cup of tea or coffee for your spouse
- Let someone skip you in the supermarket queue
- Pay for a person’s food while in a restaurant
- Give a homeless person some money
- Buy food for a homeless person
- Offer to volunteer with friends for a charity
- Buy a neighbor the daily newspaper
- Pick up trash at your local park
- Clean a friends house or garden
- Bring emergency services some baked cookies
- Surprise a partner with a date night
- Plant a tree
- Let someone else have the parking spot that you wanted
- Give someone your parking ticket if you are leaving beforehand
- Learn CPR or another life skill
- Talk to a stranger that looks sad
- Participate in a walk or a run for charity
- Become an organ donor
- Give blood or help to organize a blood drive where many people can sign up to give blood
- Donate old glasses
- Donate old clothes that you don’t need anymore
- Donate books to a local library
- Sign up to work with a local sports club
- Tell a co-worker something that you appreciate about them
- Decide to make friends with the new person in your job
- Tell someone a joke
- Compliment a neighbor on their home
- Walk a neighbors dog for them while they are busy or away
- Offer to babysit a friends child so that they can enjoy some time away
- Call your parents and tell them how much they mean to you
- Make food for a food drive
- Donate to a friend’s favorite charity
- Treat yourself to something nice, book in for a massage or a manicure or a spa day of some kind
- Give someone a hug that you think might need one
- Throw a surprise party for someone
- Teach someone how to make a recipe that you know
- Bring a friend donuts
- Take a friend or a partner to the movies
- Take someone out to lunch
- Hold a door or an elevator door open for someone
- Pay for a persons bus fare or taxi fare
- Leave a large tip for someone that has served you
- Help someone that is struggling with heavy bags
- Help someone that is lost
- Help someone take a photo
- Make bird feeders for the birds in your area
- Feed ducks or geese at your local beach or harbor
- Donate time or money to your church
- Volunteer to work at a senior citizens center
- Give up your seat on a bus or train for an older or pregnant person
- Tidy up graves that look messy or that have been left alone for a long time
- Sign up to work with or deliver with meals on wheels
- Foster a homeless animal
- Find a pen pal and start writing to them
- Make dinner for a friend having a hard time
- Say please and thank you when speaking to someone
- Take time to listen to someone that needs to talk
- Tell a supervisor that the person who served you did a great job.
- Write a nice review online
- Offer to walk someone home
- Offer to give someone a lift home
- Suggest that you will be the designated driver
- Offer to pay for someone’s fuel at a garage or truck stop
- Buy a friend some alcohol
- Book a holiday for you and someone you care about