Last Updated on September 6, 2024
For artists and designers, art is their life and creativity is their spirit. But sometimes, even the best ones find their creativity at a loss. To help jumpstart your creative spirit and reawaken your artist’s soul, here are 30 moving typography quotes that can give you much-needed inspiration.
Typography Quotes For Designers
“Typography needs to be audible. Typography needs to be felt. Typography needs to be experienced.” – Helmut Schmid
“Type is a designer’s best friend.” – Lester Beall
“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Steve Jobs
“Words have meaning. Type has spirit. The combination is spectacular.” – Paula Scher
“Typography must be as beautiful as a forest, not like the concrete
jungle of the tenements. It gives distance between the trees,
the room to breathe and allow for life.” – Adrian Frutiger
“Geometry can produce legible letters, but art alone makes them
beautiful. Art begins where geometry ends, and imparts to letters a
character transcending mere measurement.” – Paul Standard
“Flaws are human. Flaws are the best part.” – Dyana Weissman
“Art is not a mirror to reflect reality, but a hammer with which
to shape it.” – Bertolt Brecht
“From all these experiences the most important thing I have learned
is that legibility and beauty stand close together and
that type design, in its restraint, should be only felt but not
perceived by the reader.” – Adrian Frutige
“Only when the design fails does it call attention to itself;
when it succeeds, it’s invisible.” – John D. Berry
“Type is a dance and the designer is the choreographer, sort of.” – Richard Lipton
“Typeface development is the most artistic science
and the most scientific art there is.” – David Marshall
“A life rich in reading is the only path to thinking
and creating.”- Manndy Brown
“It is almost impossible to look and read at the same time:
they are different actions.” – Gerard Unger
“God is in the kerning.” – Matteo Bologna
“Graphic Design will save the world right after rock and roll does.” – David Carson
“Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent.” – Joe Sparano
“Typography is a two-dimensional architecture, based on experience and imagination,
and guided by rules and readability.” – Hermann Zapf
“Nothing made by human can avoid personal expression,
and nothing made for a human should avoid personal expression” – Hrant Papazian
“You can’t be a good typographer if you aren’t a good reader.” – Stephen Coles
“Be available. Respond. Follow up. Engage. Share knowledge freely.” – Daniel Patrick Simmons
“Lettering is like clay. Type is like Lego.” – Mark Simonson
“Creativity is magical, not magic.” – Mark Kate McDevitt
“Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication.” – Leonardo Da Vinci
“Originality is a claim of the ignorant. Excellence is a claim of the brave.” – Panos Vassiliou
“Type is what meaning looks like.” – Max Phillips
“We are now living in a 140-character culture. #Designmatters” – Debbie Millman
“Type design is about function. Drawing isn’t enough.” – James Todd
“Form and function together create typographic excellence.” – R. Roger Remington
“Typography is an art. Good typography is art.” – Paul Rand
For more great graphic design quotes, make sure to check out the latest blog post over at Design Wizard.