Last Updated on September 6, 2024
Whenever we read a news story, book, letter, or any other form of text our brain relates specific words with previously seen images. By accessing our past memories, like a hard drive, our brain is able to create a visual illustration simply out of words. Taking this one step further, Ji Lee eliminates the need for our brain to do this process. Ji Lee takes popular words and brings them to life by adding a sense of character, fun and playfulness to them.
“When we were children, letters were like fun toys. We played with them through our building blocks. We colored them in books. We danced and sang along with TV puppets while learning C was for “cookie.” Soon, letters turned into words. Words turned into sentences. Sentences turned into thoughts. And along the way, we stopped playing with them and stopped marveling at A through Z.” – Ji Lee
Today we will feature creative examples from Ji’s book titled “Word As Image.” This book showcases nearly 100 examples of his own personal witty designs, plus he also provides some great insights and tips on how you can create your own words as images.
This project started nearly twenty years ago as an assignment in my typography class at art school. Students were encouraged to see letters beyond their dull, practical functionality. We played with their unique shapes and tinkered with their infinite possibilities. The challenge was hard, so the reward of “cracking” a word felt great. This became a lifelong project for me.” – Ji Lee
Anyone can create a word as image. It doesn’t require any design or drawing skills. All you need is a little creative thinking and to see words and letters in a different way. Enjoy!
Note: All Rights Reserved by Ji Lee.
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