Last Updated on September 2, 2024
Turn-ons are magical. They give us butterflies, fuzzy feelings and outright sexual attraction. The best ones are unexpected. The little things we notice about someone’s personality, body or mannerisms. Are you thinking about brushing up your repertoire to flirt with your crush or partner? Then check out our master list below!
1. Saying “I Love You”
This tip sounds simple enough but there is more to it than just saying the words. This phrase can ring empty or sweet depending on your actions.
If you say “I love you,” but constantly bring conflicts or disrespect to the table, then the words mean nothing. But when you share the chores and burdens at home, make an effort to foster friendship and loyalty in the relationship, then saying “I love you,” at the right moment is an amazing turn-on.
2. A Real Smile
You don’t even have to try with this one. Both men and women love seeing a spontaneous and genuine grin. It makes a person appear confident, approachable and happy.
3. Touching Their Knee
It goes without saying that any physical actions on this list (like this one!) should never be done with somebody you do not know. There is a fine line between physical flirting and sexual harassment, so make sure you keep these tips for your partner.
But that being said, a lot of men and apparently, most women, love having their knee touched by the right person. It’s suggestive in a gentle sort of way.
4. Treat Others Well
We all judge other people by how they treat their families, the driver in front of them or the waitress who got the order wrong. If you disrespect service people or your nephews, chances are that your partner or crush will withdraw from the situation – and your life – as quickly as possible.
On the flip side, nothing is sexier than a man or woman who treats others with dignity. It shows prospective partners that you will be a good friend, parent, and someone who won’t cause unnecessary drama.
5. It’s All About the Hair
Well-groomed hair is attractive to both men and women but there are things that guys like. For example, some men are turned on by watching their ladies prepare their hair for the day or even just brushing those locks can be a great moment. Women like it when men run a hand through their own hair in a spontaneous way.
Both men and women also find it attractive when their own hair is touched by a partner, especially right before sharing a kiss.
6. Knowing How to Fix Stuff
Being handy around the house is a great way to give your partner butterflies in the stomach. Women have always appreciated a guy that can patch a problem but men also find girls attractive who can handle their own DIY needs.
7. Not Pretending to be Perfect
When you are very close to someone and they allow you to see their vulnerable side – fears, flaws and uncertainties included – it can be very sexy.
Sounds weird, sure. How can somebody else’s fear be a turn-on? We don’t mean it in the psycho sense where you like seeing others going through a painful experience! But it can be incredibly attractive when somebody trusts you with their emotions. It’s real. So beautifully real.
8. Be a Good Listener
Regrettably, we all go through the following scenario at least a couple of times in our lives. You pour your heart out to someone but the other person barely listens or they dismiss your feelings or concerns. Chances are, you felt stripped of your self-worth to some degree.
A person who genuinely listens has the opposite effect. You feel validated. You feel seen. The problem no longer feels so heavy. It’s no small wonder then that we feel attracted to such empathic individuals!
9. Bad Language
Yep, potty mouth is a thing. Needless to say, one cannot drop F-bombs and expect to land a date. Only some men and women like cursing and only in certain situations. Be careful how you use this one – if ever!
10. Good Hygiene
While everyone is turned on by different types of clothes, physical looks and perfume brands, it is universally agreed upon that good hygiene is attractive. Donning well-fitting and clean attire, keeping your hair trimmed or styled, and choosing to wear a delicious scent or aftershave is super sexy.
11. Following a Passion With Zeal
There are several reasons why following your dreams can be a true turn-on for others. It shows a level of independence and vitality. Who doesn’t love that? Additionally, many people are energized and inspired when they see someone follow a dream – often leading to respect and admiration!
12. A Sense of Humor
We all have a sense of humor. Some people have a keen edge that is so subtle, you cannot help but feel intensely amused when you get their jokes. Others have blunt humor that you cannot miss – even if you tried. Whether you love the loud variety or prefer more finesse, a sense of humor is attractive.
13. Forehead Kisses
There is something magical about forehead kisses. They show a special kind of love full of care and intimacy. Even when you see another couple do it, the magic is still there! So, if you have a special someone in your life, don’t hesitate to try this. Not recommended for a total stranger!
14. A Foreign Accent
Thumbs up if you already have an accent! Countless people find this incredibly hot. While every accent undoubtedly has fans, some of the sexiest include French, Italian, and British English. Hey, if you don’t have it – fake it. Your partner will find it both humorous and hopefully attractive!
15. Cooking Skills
Traditionally, women’s skills in the kitchen were said to be the way to a man’s heart. But heads up guys. Women are very attracted to men who not only make most of their own meals but can also cook very well. Some couples also enjoy making dinner together, sharing their love of culinary skills and good food with each other.
16. Decisiveness
As in, knowing what you want or what to do in a situation – without being bossy. People hate being told what to do without their input being considered. But being with someone who doesn’t hide their backbone when the push comes to shove is a definite turn on! This is especially true during difficult situations where hard decisions need to be made.
17. Not Discussing Ex-Partners
There is nothing worse than listening to your crush or partner discuss their ex – especially in bed with you. Worse, they describe their ex’s prowess in bed. It’s a huge turn on to meet somebody who doesn’t bring baggage to the table but instead wants to start fresh without comparing their lovers.
18. The Right Amount of Eye Contact
Stare too long and you might creep him or her out. Avert your eyes too quickly and you look a little shifty. But hit that sweet spot between not-too-long and not-too-short and the moment can be magical.
19. Hands
Yep, this one goes both ways but guys and gals might have different turn-ons when it comes to hands. Men are more attracted to well-kept and slender hands. That being said, not every guy is attracted to long nails. Women, on the other hand, are more fascinated by hands that appear strong and capable.
20. Center of Attention? No Thanks
There is something incredibly sexy about a person who is so confident with themselves that when at a party, they lean in a corner, take in their surroundings and have no desire to show off. It suggests a level of depth, maturity and confidence that attention freaks just don’t have.
21. Not Flexing on Social Media
These days, you cannot scroll through any social media account without being flashed by flexers. They lean across the hoods of sleek cars, fan money for the camera, and pose in swimwear at yet another exotic location.
While influencers have millions of followers, there is something incredibly attractive about someone who is emotionally mature enough not to cherrypick the best moments of their life – or fake them. Their social media is full of real adventures, family, friends, and everyday moments.