Last Updated on August 9, 2024
A username is like your pass to various online platforms. Along with a password, you’ll need a username to access your social media profile, dating websites, e-commerce stores, or even to test-drive an online service.
Besides offering you a pass to various websites, your username is also your identity. The name sets you apart from other users on the same platform, and might help to reveal your personality or interests.
A username also affects other people’s perceptions of you. For instance, if you send a random friend request to a Facebook user, your username may influence their decision to accept or decline your friend request. Depending on how creative the moniker is, the person may go ahead and check out your profile and even initiate a conversation. A username can endear you to a person before they even get a chance to check out your hair and clothes.
And here’s what you probably didn’t already know – a creative username can affect your SEO rankings. Now, that’s some great news for internet users who also use their online accounts to network and look for leads. Assume that you call yourself “Mechanic Mike” on Facebook, and that you are a real mechanic or own a mechanic shop. When online users enter search phrases that are similar to your name, such as “mechanic near me,” web crawlers may index your username high up on search engine result pages.
As you may have gathered by now, creating a perfect username is serious business. At the very least, you want a name that’s unique to you, highly memorable, and above all, incredibly funny.
Why Choose A Funny Username?
There are usernames, and then there are creative, unique, and funny usernames. Nothing creates a lasting impression online better than a hilarious username.
A funny username is a perfect way to stir a conversation. Various online users may readily approach you to inquire about your motivation behind coming up with the name. If you’re on a dating platform, that’s a great place to kick off a conversation. And if you’re on an e-commerce site, you can leverage the attention to market your brand.
Another reason you should consider funny usernames is that most of them are already unique. To come up with a hilarious username, you must have already thought outside the box. Due to its sheer uniqueness, your funny username will enable your online profile to stand out from the crowd. That’s particularly helpful for people with common names, whose real names may already have been taken by another internet user.
A funny username also goes a long way in diffusing heated online arguments. Imagine you’re in an online community forum and a topic of discussion has stirred acrimonious exchanges among several users. Guys are almost exchanging virtual blows then out of nowhere, some Kiss My Axe drops a comment. Trust me; this name will likely leave everyone in stitches, regardless of the nature of the comment associated with it.
So, whichever way you look at it, funny usernames are the real deal.
How to Choose a Funny Username
There are certain guidelines to follow when choosing a funny username. Some of those guidelines apply to choosing usernames in general, and not necessarily a funny one.
First, and as we’ve already mentioned, the name must be unique to you. You want your online profile to stand out, and a basic username just won’t cut it. But even as you choose a unique funny username, you must also ensure that the name is memorable. If possible, avoid special characters and symbols. Regardless of how hilarious your username may be, special characters only make it difficult to remember. Cases of internet users forgetting their own usernames aren’t unheard of. Worse yet, special characters make your profile undiscoverable.
Another best practice when choosing a funny username is to stay away from names that reveal your identity in some way. The name shouldn’t be the same as your email address, unless you’re using a website that requires you to log in with your email. Also, avoid adding your contact address, place of work, or phone number to the username, be it in part or in full. If you’re marked for death, having a username like Cashier At Walmart will let your killers know where to go looking for you. Plus, disclosing where you work publicly might be against your company’s policies. On The same breath, avoid choosing a funny username that may reveal your password in some way. If you’ve opted for HerpesFree Since03, then you must ensure that your password isn’t anything close to Since03.
Lastly, much as you want to stand out and make other online users laugh, don’t go for a super-odd or a highly-offensive username. A funny username like Money Minting Machine may make you a target of hackers or gold diggers. Similarly, a name like All Cops Suck will put you on the radar of law enforcement officers.
All in all, funny usernames are easy to come up with. You don’t even need a username generator to design one.
Funny Usernames

The following is a list of 120 hilarious usernames you might consider using for your online accounts.
1. Abuzz Heartbreaker
2. Alphabetic Afterimage
3. Anony Mouse
4. Arabic Denial
5. Ass Ass In
6. Ass Whupper
7. Ayam Taken
8. Bad Karma
9. BeenThere DoneThat
10. Behind You
11. Ben Dover
12. Berb DiWire
13. Blurry Image
14. Born Confused
15. Bros Before Hoes
16. Butt Smasher
17. Casanova
18. Cementitious Day
19. Cereal Killer
20. Counterclockwise Chi
21. Cover Boy
22. Cuddly Goblin
23. Depressing Mistake
24. Dildo Swaggins
25. Dumbest Man Alive
26. Endogamous Gnetum
27. Epic Fail
28. Erectile Reptile
29. Google MeNow
30. Grammar Jew
31. Hakuna Matata
32. HeirToThe PubicRegion
33. HerpesFree Since03
34. Hershey Squirts
35. Hey You
36. HeyYou NotYouYou
37. Hitlersaurus Christ
38. How You Doing
39. Hugs for Drugs
40. ImaComplete CyclePath
41. Image Not Uploaded
42. InJail OutSoon
43. Intelligent Zombie
44. Intradouching Myshelf
45. Itchy And Scratchy
46. James Blonde
47. JeanClaude VanDarnItAll
48. Jesus HentaiChrist
49. Juilius Sneezer
50. Justin Case
51. KingOf Diary Queen
52. Kiss My Axe
53. Laugh TillYouPee
54. Liu Kang Baking A Pie
55. Magic Fetus
56. Malice Aforethought
57. Mechanic Mike
58. My Name Is
59. MyName IsInUse
60. MyName Rocks
61. Name NotImportant
62. Nameless Faceless
63. No Child Support
64. Nonrecreational Filth
65. Noway Out
66. Once UponADime
67. Oprah Windfury
68. Period Blood
69. Photo Coming Soon
70. Pluralizes Everythings
71. aDistraction
72. Postmenopausal Spree
73. Prince Charming
74. Random Advice
75. Real Name Hidden
76. Russian Spy
77. Say My Name
78. Shaquille Oatmeal
79. Sloppy Mcfloppy
80. Sloppy Wet
81. SwipeRight ForMe
82. Tea Baggins
83. Test Name
84. That’s Me
85. The Rapist
86. This AintMe
87. Uncommon Name
88. Uncompartmented Bob
89. Unfinished Sentenc
90. Unmodified Workman
91. Unobjectionable Pawn
92. WellEndowed Penguin
93. Whatcha LookingAt
94. Who Am I?
95. Willy Wanka
96. WreckTangle
97. Wretched Me
98. XBOX Signout
99. You Suck
100. Zero Chills
101. Queef Latina
102. fast and the curious
103. Shaquille UNIEL
104. The Entire Population of Texas
105. OwenWilsonsNose
106. BadKarma
107. Google Was My Idea
108. Fedora the explorer
109. YellowSnowman
110. AllGoodNamesRGone
111. thegodfatherpart4
112. kentuckycriedfricken
113. bigfootisreal
114. fatBatman
115. PaniniHead
116. Bread Pitt
117. Ariana Grandes Ponytail
118. Bud Lightyear
119. crazy cat lady
120. Tin foil hat
Need More Inspiration?
Looking for a little more inspiration to make your online nickname way more awesome than it already might be? well here is a selection of 30 new hilarious usernames that you can use online, in chatrooms, or on your gaming consoles that will get absolutely everyone laughing!
- Curious Cousins
- Suck_my_Popsicle
- Sinking Swimmer
- Technophyle
- Pistol Princess
- Ura Snotball
- Cyber Helmet
- Purple Headed Warrior
- Mike Hunt
- Hugh G. Rection
- Too Old for This
- Not My Idea
- Addison Rae of Sunshine
- down_with_the_kids
- Destinys Grandchild
- Classy Badassy
- Severus Vape
- What does this button do?
- No Feet Pics
- Paint Me Like One of Your French Girls
- Basic Beach
- Thot Patrol
- 4Phuxache
- My Anaconda Does
- Ariana Grandes Ponytail
- Will Pay for Extra Guac
- Valid8Me
- DM Me For Compliments
- Mario Fart
- I was a Mistake
- Dropped my Controller
- Send Coins
- I Can See Your Pixels
- I was Reloading
- TinFoil Hat Man
Spice up your online experience by changing your average, boring username to any of these incredibly hilarious ones. Nobody wants to join a lobby or a chatroom to see a boring and unoriginal name attached to your profile. Having a name that is fun, funny, unique, and different like each of the 155 on display above, will make you the centre of attention and will be sure to get people talking in no time!